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Experience the WOW for Yourself

MC3 Gives Back To Camp Rainbow

Founded in 1951 by the Harold G. Knight Foundations, Camp Rainbow, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, is a non-profit organization dedicated to offering deserving children of Montgomery County, PA a week-long overnight summer camping experience at a low cost to the family.

Through a variety of fun, adventure-based problem-solving and team-building experiences campers discover their leadership talents and experience the power of respect, responsibility, and healthy relationships.

Campers become knowledgeable about mindfulness, and healthy living as they participate in discussions about nutrition, exercise, stress, conflict resolution, and bullying prevention. Some of the activities of the camp include swimming, arts and crafts, archery, hiking on trails, row boating, basketball, fishing, campfires, skits and storytelling, nature study and adventure education programs. Camp Rainbow seeks to empower and inspire children to become self-sustaining adults.

As part of MC3's ongoing initiative to give back to our community, we were excited to donate our time and resources to produce a series of videos that showcase the amazing work Camp Rainbow is doing for kids in our area.

For more information about Camp Rainbow please click here.

For information about donating to Camp Rainbow, please click here.

This is Camp Rainbow...


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